
Energy Audits

An Energy Audit is an initial analysis of all facility systems by an experienced energy conservation specialist. Over the course of an hour, different components of the facility are examined, and available personnel are interviewed to understand how the facilities systems are being utilized.

From this information Solutions Inc can develop a report with initial findings on several measures we believe would be valuable to pursue further, with estimates of costs and savings as well as the tax and utility incentives that might be applicable.

  • ASHRAE Level 1- Walk-Through Analysis/Preliminary Audit

    • Brief on-site survey of the building
      A building energy survey is a practical step to identify, quantify and prioritise tangible opportunities to reduce energy use, costs and carbon emissions in a building or on a site. It can also evaluate the feasibility of renewable energy opportunities.
      We start by discussing the project with you in detail; in particular: the project scope, what you're looking to achieve (energy or carbon reduction, profile-raising, etc), the budget available, and your time schedule.
    • Our experienced energy surveyors examine the energy use on-site.
    • We carry out an audit of consumption and review the building's services and its fabric.
    • We also review operational and energy management practices.
    • Savings and cost analysis of low-cost/no-cost Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs)
    • Identification of potential capital improvements meriting further consideration
  • ASHRAE Level 2- Energy Survey and Analysis

    The following are some of the key things we do in an energy survey:
    • Estimate the breakdown of energy use on-site, in terms of the main energy users.
    • We seek to benchmark the site energy performance against similar premises, based on available energy use and building data.
    • Followed by examining the energy supply and the distribution arrangements, including the main metering points and the site metering strategy.
    • Identify the building occupancy profile, the building's use and any environmental conditions and requirements.
    • Examine the building's fabric, services and controls.
    • Finally, we review the energy management procedures and policy on-site, which includes staff resources, monitoring, targeting, procurement and maintenance.
  • ASHRAE Level 3- Detailed Analysis of Capital Intensive Modifications

    In this section we get down to the nitty gritty of things going into the most minute level of possibilities. These include:

    • We go deeper into capital-intensive projects that have been identified during the Level 2 audit and do a detailed field analysis on that
    • More rigorous engineering analysis of Insulation and ventilation levels in the building is involved
    • Cost and savings calculations with a high level of accuracy
    • Occupancy times, temperatures maintained in the building and type of work being carried out
    • Determine the energy supply and the distribution arrangements
    • Identify the key opportunities for savings
    • Identify a range of energy and cost-saving opportunities, including the most cost-effective, any costs, payback periods and carbon savings. Typically, energy savings can be up to 20%.
    • Provide recommendations to save energy and costs, ranging from the no and low-cost opportunities to those that require capital investment.
    • Include a prioritised plan of action and basis for investment.

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